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For Younger-Looking Skin Tixel Skin Tightening

Tixel is an energy based device that uses pure radiated heat to help the appearance of skin laxity, rejuvenation and dermal signs of ageing.

The procedure helps treat fine lines, wrinkles, thinned skin, scarring, and is one of the only treatments that can be used around the eye area.

How Tixel Works

Tixel uses heat and pressure to induce a healing response in the skin. The metallic plate is heated to 400 degrees and applied to the skin for a millisecond. The damage created by this method is rapid and controlled meaning downtime is less than commonly seen in lasers and plasma devices.

This is a non-surgical method of skin tightening and is effective to use for fine lines and lifting around the eyes.

Tixel can also be used at low settings and topical treatment can be applied for better penetration and efficacy. A number of skin problems, including acne, pigmentation, and rosacea, can also be treated with this procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions

What areas can be treated?

What can I expect before the procedure?

What does the treatment feel like?

What is the downtime and aftercare?

How many treatments do I need?

What skin conditions can be treated?

How much will my Tixel treatment cost?