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Boost Your Collagen: The Benefits of Factor 4 Treatment

Factor 4 is a rejuvenating treatment used to achieve anti-ageing effects. Unlike many other cosmetic treatments, Factor 4 uses growth factors from your own blood to boost your collagen and cell turnover.

You may have heard of the popular PRP or platelet-rich plasma therapy which uses platelets from your own blood. Factor 4 is here to take the spotlight with its advanced methods and higher concentration of growth factors. It works by taking a sample of your blood and increasing the density of health-promoting platelets. When reintroduced to your body, the treatment triggers collagen production which helps to treat ageing signs and skin laxity.

Read on to learn more about the benefits of this treatment and how it compares to the traditional PRP therapy procedure. For in-depth and personal guidance, you’re welcome to contact Ascension Cosmetic Medicine in New Farm, Brisbane.

How Factor 4 works

In order to know the benefits, it will first help to understand how the treatment actually works and what it does to your body. Factor 4, also known as autologous anti-ageing serum, harnesses certain structures in the blood to trigger health-stimulating effects. This occurs in a few different steps:

  • Harvesting blood sample – A sample of your blood is harvested and used as the basis for your treatment.
  • Processing the sample – The blood sample is then spun quickly in a device called a centrifuge, separating out the liquid from the growth-factor-rich platelets.
  • Injection – The processed serum is then injected carefully into your chosen treatment site, stimulating collagen and skin renewal.

How is Factor 4 different? Well, the difference between this treatment and ordinary PRP procedures is in the processing of the serum. The serum is contained in 4 tubes which work to increase the concentration of growth factors, making a richer substance than other blood-injection treatments.

Benefits of Factor 4

A large benefit of Factor 4 is its advanced use of PRP methods – harvesting blood which is then processed and re-introduced into your system. Using your own blood eliminates the need for the injection of anything foreign into the body, reducing the risk of some side effects such as allergic reactions.

The treatment targets many age-related skin issues and can trigger benefits such as:

  • Stimulates of fibroblasts that increase collagen and elastin
  • Treats fine lines and wrinkles, especially around the eyes
  • Increases dermal strength, thickness, and elasticity
  • Targets textural irregularities such as acne scarring
  • Can treat hair loss by stimulating follicle activity
  • Reduces skin pores

The advantage of Factor 4 over other blood-derived treatments is the high concentration of growth factors. Factor 4 contains 4 times as many growth factors as PRP treatments, making it a desirable choice for those wanting to boost their collagen and skin vitality. It is also adaptable, and can be used to treat different areas of the face, neck, and hands.

Your consultation for Factor 4

At Ascension Cosmetic Medicine , our team strive to offer quality treatments to patients who are candidates. In order to achieve this, we must consult with each of our clients to determine their goals and whether a certain treatment will help. Factor 4 can be suitable for men or women seeking to increase their skin’s strength and reduce signs of ageing.

It’s important to be aware that the benefits you get from this treatment may not be the same for someone else. We will assess your unique skin needs and help determine if Factor 4 is a good choice for you and corresponds to your skin goals. Consult with us to learn about your options and ask any further questions about Factor 4 collagen boosting treatment.

What happens afterwards

After the treatment, you should be prepared for some mild side effects such as redness and swelling. This is because your skin will need time to process the effects of Factor 4, along with the maintenance of aftercare to aid your skin’s regeneration.

The downtime is minimal, but you should ensure to drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated. Avoid applying any other skin products or makeup for at least 12 hours, and be careful to not rub or irritate the treated skin. If you experience any persistent pain, be sure to contact us and we will recommend the appropriate treatment.

Ask your clinician for further guidance on aftercare to support your skin in the days and weeks following Factor 4.

Reasons to choose Dr Allison and Ascension Cosmetic Medicine for Factor 4 anti-ageing treatments in Brisbane

Choosing an established, reputable clinic can make all the difference when pursuing a cosmetic treatment. Dr Allison and his team are qualified and skilled dermal clinicians who share a commitment to patient well-being and satisfaction. You are welcome to consult with us at our New Farm clinic in Brisbane to find out more about Factor 4 collagen boosting and its anti-ageing benefits.